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“Combat Racing” – Update #2


Things are coming along very nicely.

Combat RacingIt’s been a few weeks since my last update, partly because I only want to post updates when something significant has been accomplished (and also because I procrastinate).  The game is really taking shape and as of right now level pack 1 is completely finished (besides any future tweaking here and there).

Here’s a recent gameplay video I recorded the other day showing some of level pack 1 as well as the first boss (named Parasite).

Since the last update:

  •  All levels for level pack 1 have been created and added.
  • The first boss was designed and added.
  • Traps were added (TNT crates, shock pads) – more to be added later.
  • Race-end menus were added showing the race results and purchasable car upgrades.
  • Music and sounds were added.
  • Currently working on designing bosses 2, 3, and 4 (Urchin, Python, and Warlord).
  • Tons of little fixes and tweaks.

Next up on the to-do list:

  •  The biggest thing on my to-do list is to design the tiles for level pack 2 (a beach-type level) and start building the levels.
  • After that I also need to do the same for level packs 3 and 4.
  • Add more level traps as well as some level “perks” (speed pads, jumps).
  • Loads of small tweaks and fixes I have written down.

Another part of my to-do list is to start getting the word out a little.  That’s a little new to me (never had to do it much with web games, they’d kinda just spread along the internet on their own) so it should be interesting.

So that’s it for now.  I’m thinking in a few weeks this game should really be taking its final shape.  Definitely looking forward to it.

“Combat Racing” Update #1


A quick update on things regarding my new project, Combat Racing.

Since my last post a lot has been accomplished.  Levels have been created, menu’s have been put into place, AI has been programmed, etc, etc…

Here are some images of what levels 1 – 3 (of 5) of level pack 1 look like as of right now:

Combat Racing Combat Racing Combat Racing

And here’s a video I decide to record of me working on level 3.  It took about 1.5 hours and is sped up 64x.

Next Steps

So I’m now focusing on finishing levels 4 and 5 in order to get a “complete” level pack put together.  This will enable me to properly implement remaining systems to track player progress, balance the upgrades / AI difficulty, and other behind-the-scenes stuff.

I also want to get level 5 complete so I can begin work on the first “boss” car/race which should be pretty cool.

Also on the to-do list is to get stationary / level-based traps into the game.  They’re a very new idea that I only thought of adding very recently.  I need to get them (rocket launchers, explosive crates, lasers, etc…) designed and implemented too.

So that’s it for now, more updates coming.  For more frequent updates / news, give a look at my twitter.

“Combat Racing” in Development!


So I’m still making games!  Crazy right?

So while I continue the search for a real job creating games, I’ve still been creating my own games in the meantime.

Combat Racing

Right now my current project has been (another) 2D top-down racing game, but this time it’s for mobile (Android as of now) devices.  Titled Combat Racing, the game will feature fun retro-style racing, unlockable cars, boss races, multiple level packs, 2-player mode, and all of that type of fun stuff.

The game is being built in Java and is powered by LibGDX.

Combat Racing Combat Racing Combat Racing Combat Racing Combat Racing

The images above are just to give a rough example of what the game looks like as of now.  Final game art will (probably) be different and be much shinier and whatnot.

I hope to have periodic updates and get back in the swing of things in the coming days.

Portfolio Site Finished


Now that right there was one hell of a hiatus between posts.

Anyway, I’ve been keeping busy for the past month or two working on a new project for Android devices – Defend and Panic!, the spiritual sequel to one of my favorite projects of the past, Don’t Panic.

Progress has been steady but slow, mainly due to having to learn the in’s and out’s of a new development framework (I’m using Java and LibDGX with the native Android SDK, rather than good ol’ reliable AS3 and Starling).

You can see more info on this project on my newly released portfolio site.  Since I’m going to start looking for an official job in the coming weeks, I felt it best to update my resumé and put together a clean and organized online portfolio.

That’s it for now.  I expect to start posting weekly game update posts again since it seems to be a calm schedule ahead.

“Weapons on Wheels 2” Released!


Weapons on Wheels 2So I’m not dead, apparently – just really, really busy finishing college (which, by the way, I graduate from this upcoming weekend).

But who cares, right?  My latest Flash game has finally been released after being sponsored by PlayBerry.com.  After a few good months of lots of on and off work, Weapons on Wheels 2 is finally available to the public.  Play it here!

Anyone even remotely following this blog of mine knows this game has been in production for quite a long time, with many development posts and alpha videos being released periodically.  I’m very proud of it and while it may be a bit difficult at first, I believe anyone willing to give the game a chance and warm up to it will have a grand ol’ time playing it.

Oh, and here’s the trailer for anyone who wants to check it out.

ComparisonAnd I know I’ve posted this image on the left before, but I just love the contrast between my first game vs. my most recent game.  Some really good stuff right there.

Oh, and a big shout-out to the Starling framework.  My first time using it and everything went very smoothly!

More information soon on future projects when I get some free time.  Now that college is over, I get to enter the real world.  You know, whatever that means.

One more time, play the game here!  Release on NewGrounds and other big-name portals coming soon.