• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Oil Spill Escape
Stick Nodes

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Weekly Game Update – “Trophiends” #5


We have a name!  My upcoming game will be titled Trophiends, meant to be a pun of sorts on “Trophy-fiends.”  Deal with it.  Also, Defective is ready for sponsorship (sort of). Alright, let’s get into it. Firstly, some news on Defective. “Defective” stuff: On Friday, I received the final two music tracks for Defective, with […]

Weekly Game Update – Puzzle Platformer #4


So we’re roughly one month in.  Wow, that was fast… General stuff: I still haven’t come with with a good title.  I don’t know, it’ll probably just come to me one day (kind of like how I got the title for Don’t Panic).  Hopefully that’ll happen soon, I’m tired of this “Puzzle Platformer” nonsense. Anyway, […]

Weekly Game Update – Puzzle Platformer #3


Hmm, I should really start looking into figuring out a title for this game. Tell you what, if you think you have a good idea, tell me in the comments. (I’ll finally describe the gameplay / mechanics in this post.) General stuff: This was a very productive week. I finally nailed down a solid design […]