• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Weapons on Wheels
Stick Nodes

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“Weapons on Wheels 2” – Weekly Update 5


No video this week.  I was planning on it, but I have all of the required software all configured on my desktop, and due to the power flickering on and off, I’m not going to risk turning it on.  (Hurricane Sandy and all, pretty cool stuff.) Nevertheless, here is the weekly update.  This week consists […]

“Weapons on Wheels 2” – Monthly (?) Update 4


I don’t intend on these being monthly updates, really – I don’t.  I’m just constantly busy with other things and can’t get a sufficient amount of game work completed in the week.  Once the weekend rolls around I feel like I don’t have anything worth showing.  Then, in the middle of the week, I’m usually […]