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Christmas Defense
Stick Nodes

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Revenue Report – February 2011


Wow, February definitely flew by.  I almost forgot I had to post this until I saw in my email that I received a payment from CPMStar.  Let’s get into it.

Flash Game Revenue Report

Similar to last month, I didn’t release any games or sell any sitelocks or anything like that.  As a result, revenue is still going to be low.  Don’t Panic will in all likelihood be released in late March (being that it will be completed this weekend).

Anyway, let’s get started…

Total’s for the month of February 2011.

Website Revenue

Google Adsense: $36.12

Game Revenue

Exclusive/Primary Sponsorships and Sitelocks: $0.00

Mochi Ads (Total): $4.34

CPMStar Ads (Total): $19.86

Game Sessions

Gameplays (Total): 269,136

Monthly Total

Total: $60.32

So that’s that.  Revenue is just dripping in at this point.  I should kinda kick myself into gear.  I need to be releasing something at least every other month.

Oh, and you may have noticed I got rid of the little (+- ##%) thing after each number.  To be honest that was just getting annoying and I doubt it was too useful for anyone.

If all goes well I should have a sponsor for Don’t Panic by mid-to-late-March and the game will be released late March.  However these things are always unpredictable, so we’ll see.

That’s all from me for now.

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