• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Weapons on Wheels 2
Stick Nodes

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More Random Updates!


Hey all you people, here are some more updates from me, Ralph!


Defective has been sponsored.  Expect it to be released any day now (I’ll of course announce it all over this site as well as on my Twitter page) – all I’m waiting on is the sponsor to send me the assets to brand the game with.  I can’t wait to finally get this game done with and released, it’s going to do great!


The untitled animation I’ve been working on in my spare time over the past week or two is practically finished.  All that’s left is for me to draw the background for the final scene and add sounds / music.

Flash Animation Teaser

It’ll be released on both NewGrounds and Youtube sometime later this week.

Android Stuff

I could probably finish that animation today (I worked all day on it yesterday) but I’m probably going to leave it be for at least a day or two.  This is mainly because I want to get back to focusing on my Beginning Android Games book and start getting a grasp on Open GL ES.  It’s a pretty hairy topic from what I understand, but to make the games I want to make, it’s necessary to understand Open GL ES and its advantage over typical CPU-powered graphics.

Anyway, so those are my plans for the next few days – Android stuff, animation completion / release, and Defective release!

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