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“Weapons on Wheels 2” – Weekly (?) Update 2


So yeah, a little over a month later and the second installment of the weekly updates for Weapons on Wheels 2 is finally here!  Seems about right.

Alright, sorry for the delays post, what with the week-long family vacation in the middle of August, college starting up at the end of August, and a Labor Day weekend full of fun-filled family get-together activities, I really haven’t had time to make a new post let alone get much work done.

The funny thing is, I seem to have been working on the same exact things over and over for the past month.  First it was designing, animating, and exporting all of the sprite sheets for the weapons – I did that twice.  Then it was getting the level background class running how I need it to run (and efficiently, at that) – I did that three times, re-writing the whole class each time (so much tedious math).  Then there was the class that needs to handle the tire skid marks, that kept needing to be revised.

Weapons on Wheels 2

But now I’m done, finally everything is running how I need it, plus I finally was able to start working on weapons (only the boosters at this point) as well as some particle effects, as you can see from the above screenshot.

I originally wanted to post a video of some of the current build and show off the four boosters and their particle effects, but after tinkering with some screen-capturing software this morning I finally gave up.

Weapons on Wheels 2

Next up I’ll start working on the other weapons, and eventually I want to create a dummy level, just something that will allow me to start adding walls (collision detection) and get some structure to get the AI up and running.  I may start on that latter part this weekend if I make enough progress.

Alright, from here on out I don’t see why I won’t be able to update every weekend, it seems all of the nonsense is finally behind me.

Back to work.

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