• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Stick Nodes

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Anyone Want to Be a “Preview Player” for FlashGameLicense.com?


Hey guys.  I have an invitation to give out to anyone that wants to become a “Preview Player” for FlashGameLicense.com.  This means you’ll be able to play my games, as well as the games of other Flash developers before they’re officially released.

You’re “job” however, is to simply give us feedback and advice, and work directly with developers to make the games better.

If you are interested, just make a comment.  Be sure to use your real email address when commenting (in the email field, don’t actually post your email).

I’ll decide who I give it to, muahahaha.

Unrelated news:

My secret project has a sponsor.  I’m actually working on the Flash file right now adding branding logos stuff like that.  It should be released on the sponsor’s site any day now.

Putting Hero Dude Development on Hold for a Bit


What the shit?What the shit, Ralph?

Yeah, I’ve decided I’m going to put development on Hero Dude on hold for a while.  I feel like I’m doing all of this work for it, but at the same time, I’m not giving it the time that it needs.

For one I feel that the game won’t be as great as I’m imagining it unless I give myself some time to actually plan it out.  As it is now it’s just a generic run-around-and-shoot-shit platformer.  OH BOY WHEN CAN I PLAY?

So yeah, I’m putting that on hold.

Secret Project

Sorry about the lie I told about 1 or 2 posts ago, I won’t be able to release the “secret project” game until at least Wednesday, July 21st.  (Most likely Thursday, however.)  It sucks having a completed game for 2 weeks but not being able to release it but hey, that’s how the bidding process works.

So yeah, look out for that very soon.

New Project

I had an epiphany last night for a new, small puzzle/skill type game that utilizes the popular Box2D AS3 library.  Today I’ll be spending my day playing around with the library and getting to know the in’s and out’s.  Once I’m comfortable I’ll start development on the game and it shouldn’t take too long to make (I figure two weeks at the max, the same amount of time it took me to make my “secret project”.

So yeah, that’s what I’m doing now.

Now you know.

What I’m Up To Now


Excuse the inactivity the past week.  I decided to take a small break from Flash before I resume work on Hero Dude.

As most of you know, I just recently completed my “secret project” game which is currently undergoing bidding on FlashGameLicense.com.  I have the bidding scheduled to be over by this time next week and from then it’s just a matter of how fast me and the winning sponsor can communicate before I can release the game.  I’m predicting a release over next weekend (not the weekend that starts tomorrow).

In the meantime, I’ve already started working on Hero Dude all over again (hence the 1% up there in the header).  I’ve slightly altered the art style of the main character and have come up with a basic plot for the whole game.  It’ll be a fun and short platformer, with just one level.  A big level, granted, but it still shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes to reach the end of it, mostly because you’ll only have 10 minutes to reach the end or you fail :D.

So if you’ll excuse me, I have this game that won’t be programming itself.

“Secret Project” Completed – Release Imminent


Shhh, it's a secret.So I figured I’d shed a little more light on that “secret project” of since it’s 99% completed.  To be honest, it’s completed 100% but I’m just in the process of getting feedback from reviewers on FlashGameLicense.com.  Once I feel the game is ready (probably over the holiday weekend) I’ll set it up for bidding in time for the next work week.

I’ll also begin emailing some of the big-name sponsors in the hopes that they’ll be interested.

Depending on how long it takes, the game can be released any day now.

PS – It’s one hell of an addictive game.  I found myself playing it over and over while I was in the middle of developing it.  Be warned.

PPS – Also yes, that is a thumbnail picture for it up there.

I’ll probably be just relaxing for the next three days, not working on anything.  It’ll be the first time in a while that I haven’t opened Flash to work on something in a day.  Work on Hero Dude will resume on Monday.  I have intentions to re-code what I have, clean it up and optimize it, as well as go over the art style of the game.  I have some ideas that need to be thought out before I go any further though.

About That “Secret Project”


I’m sure if you’ve glanced at the header that you see in addition to “Hero Dude” I’m also working on a secret project.

I just wanted to talk about it for a minute and maybe demystify it.  It honestly probably doesn’t need to be a secret, but whatever.  It’s more fun for me this way.

Let’s see, what can I say.  Well, it’s a small game.  I’ve referred to it as a  mix between The Helicopter Game and The Flood Runner – it’s basically an endurance game where you see how long you can last and then submit your score to the a scoreboard.

Paul actually helped me hatch the idea a little less than a week ago and now it’s already 65% completed.  I’m confident that the game will be perfectly playable by tonight, I’ll just spend the weekend polishing it, adding the menu/end screens, etc…

So, yeah, just a short break from Hero Dude while I complete this game.  Looks like it’ll take be just a little over a week, hot damn!

More stuff soon.