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Madness Day 2010


Hey guys.

Sorry about the lack of updates here, to be honest I’ve just been very lazy about it.

I wanted to make a quick post just summarizing what’s been going on. For the past 3 weeks I’ve been on and off working on “Hero Dude.” Things were moving along nicely at first but I found myself procrastinating with it more and more as I was trying to figure out where I wanted to go with it.

That’s when I saw a post Tom Fulp made on NewGrounds. I totally forgot Madness Day was coming up on September 22nd. Almost immediately after I saw the post, I had a perfect idea for a submission.

And well, that’s where I’m at now. I’m not going to give too much of the plot away, as the screenshot already does enough of that.

I always enjoy Madness Day, especially since I won myself a prize in the 2007 competition with my submission HQ Madness. I was planning on making HQ Madness 2 for Madness Day 2008, but it never got completed. I actually still have the files for it on my computer, I’d upload them, but it’s nothing special.

So yeah, that’s what I’m doing. I still don’t have a title for this project, but I’m sure I’ll think of one eventually.

Back to work 😉

I’m Back


What’s up guys.

I just wanted to let all of you know that I’m back.  If you didn’t know, I went away last Sunday for a week long family vacation.  It was pretty fun and relaxing, but I’m eager to be back and to get back to work on some Flash projects before reality kicks in with college on August 30th, oh boy!

Here’s a few pictures from where we went, which was Wildwood, NJ, if you’re wondering:

View from the room.

Another view from the room at night.

My brother and I in the front seat of the “Great White.”

That’s us way up there.  See us?  No?  Look harder, dammit!

Picture of the middle pier (there’s 3 in total) from the boardwalk.

Picture of one of the waterparks with the beach in the background.

Another aerial shot of the waterpark/pier.

And one more for good measure.

Anyway, like I said, that was all good and fun, but now it’s back to work.

Also, I didn’t mention this yet, but I put Oil Spill Escape up on NewGrounds.com – http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/543746.

I appreciate any and all 5 ratings! 😉  Thanks.

Who Has Two Thumbs and is Going Away for a Week?



It’s family vacation time.  Me and the rest of my family will be heading down to Wildwood, NJ for a 5 day vacation starting tomorrow at the ungodly hour of 4:30am.

Just figured I’d let you guys know so you will understand the unusual break in the relentless and consistent daily posts on this site.  (HAHAHAHAHAA!!1).

So yeah, that’s all from me.  See you guys next week!  Well, I’ll type some words and you’ll read them, we won’t necessarily see each other.

Pic related: It’s what will happen to me at the giant slide at Morey’s Piers, most likely.

Hero Dude is Back in Development


After I came across a few issues while in the prototyping stage in the development of my next game Hero Dude, I decided to put the project down until I thought I had a better grasp on it.

Well, I’m just letting you guys that development is back on.  I was able to come up with a way to efficiently program the underlying engine of the game as well as a few good ideas concerning the actual gameplay / story.

If I had to estimate a completion date for Hero Dude, I’d have to say the middle to end of August.  Release sometime in September.

Just wanted to let you guys know.

Also, go play my latest game, Oil Spill Escape!

“Oil Spill Escape” Released – Go Play it Now!


“Oil Spill Escape” (aka my Secret Project for the past four weeks) has been released this morning!  I’m really excited about this game because it truly is a very fun and addicting game.

Play it exclusively on Juggernart.com – Play Oil Spill Escape.

I actually completed the game in about 12 days, which is quite speedy for only my second game ever.  The remaining 14+ days was spent just letting the game chill on FlashGameLicense.com waiting for a sponsor.

Bla bla bla, I’m sure you all care about that stuff, right?

Anyway, maybe I should tell you what the game is about.  (As if you can’t tell from the title.)

The idea for this game was actually a result of some accidental collaboration between this person I know friend Paul D’Amora.  You might know him as since he’s one of the three commenters on this site.

The game is obviously inspired from the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  The gameplay itself is very similar to that of the classic “Helicopter Game“.  As in, you control a fish trying to escape a cloud of oil by dodging rocks and eating fish.  Sound easy?  Well, it’s not.

The objective is to simply get as far as you possibly can and then to compare your score with the scores on the scoreboard.  This is where it gets addicting, trust me.

Anyway, I do believe that’s enough rambling from me.  Go play the game and tell me how you like it!