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Quick Update on Christmas Defense


Hey guys, I just wanted to give you a quick update on what I’m working on at the moment.

Christmas Defense

Christmas Defense has been done and completed for a little under a month now.  I ended bidding on FlashGameLicense yesterday and have picked a sponsor.  I’ve been told by the sponsor that they’ll be releasing the game on December 10th, so that’s when you should be looking out for the game.  I’ll of course post about it here when it’s released.

Untitled Game

I’ve been working steadily on my next game, taking my time with the prototyping/engine-building stage.  It’s coming along great, and I can’t wait to move on with the game.  I also can’t wait until I finally figure out a decent title for this game.

Anyway, that’s that.  Today’s Thanksgiving, so excuse me while I go eat myself some turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow-US readers!

Game Update: Christmas Defense


Hey all you people.

I figured I’ve procrastinated long enough with making this post, as it’s long overdue.  I just want to update you on my current project, which if you didn’t know, I called Christmas Defense.  It’s obviously a Christmas-themed defense-type game.  (NO WAY!)

The game will be completely finished by tonight, all that’s left is to animate and program the final boss as well as find 2 or 3 Christmas-style music tracks to put in the game (which is proving to be the most difficult part in the creation process so far).

I will upload the game for sponsor bidding on FlashGameLicense.com on Sunday, so it will probably be live on Monday or Tuesday.  After about a 2-4 week bidding time frame, I will select a winning bidder, implement the sponsor’s branding/API, and then publicly release the game sometime the first week of December.

Here are a few screenshots to give you an idea of what the game consists of:



Yeah.  It’s that awesome.

New Game

In the meantime, I’m writing the design document of a new game that should prove to be my best and biggest project thus far.  I’m really excited about it, more so than I’ve ever been with any of my previous games and I can’t wait to start filling you guys in about it.

Until then, though, I’ll be around.

So I’ve Been Playing Sonic 4 Today…


And I’m trying to like it.  I really, really, really, really am genuinely trying as hard as I possibly can.  And why wouldn’t I?  I’m a huuuuge fan of the original Sonic games.  I can beat Sonic 1/2/3/& Knuckles with my eyes closed while collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds.  I’ve played them since I was roughly 3 or 4 years old.

So when I heard Sonic 4 was going to be released on the Xbox Live Arcade, I was pretty happy that Sega would finally stop abusing the Sonic name and return to his glorious 2D roots.  They want to add some extra polish and “2.5D” elements to the game?  I’m okay with that, as long as it retains it’s classic gameplay.

So I finally fired it up this morning after months of waiting and I knew I was in for some disappointment as soon as level 1 started.

Let’s begin shall we?


Firstly, I would like the name of the person on Sonic Team that decided to suggest,

“Hey, you know what’d be a  great addition to this game?  How about if we make Sonic accelerate at the same pace as paint drying?!”

I’d assume this would be the same guy that suggested Sonic come to a dead stop if you release the button for the direction he’s heading in.

Seriously, have these people not plaed the original Sonic games?  Not only does Sonic accelerate slow and stop extremely abruptly, but in general he moves at barely half the pace that he ran at in the original games.


It’s Robotnik.  Dr. Ivo Robotnik, to be exact.  Not Eggman.  I don’t give a crap if Eggman was in fact his original name in Japan or whatever the story is, here in America his name is Robotnik.  Anyone that says otherwise is mentally challenged.


I understand the need to update the graphics, but they seriously went overboard.  For one, all of the colors are so bright and shiny it’s borderline annoying.  And two, the updated version of Robotnik and his machines look as if they were designed for infants:


How can no one at Sonic Team see this and speak up…

This makes Sonic look like he’s completely helpless and/or retarded, and to make it worse, Sonic spends at least half the game in this pose.  Last time I checked in the original Sonic games, 90% of the time when Sonic was in the air, he was in HIS BALL FORM.

I can’t count the number of time I went to kill something while in the air only to be hurt and have my rings fly everywhere.  (Also, don’t get me started on the unbelievably horrible way that the rings “scatter around”.  It’s more as if they fall out of you and slowly bounce together in a group on the floor.)


It’s Robotnik.


Enough with the targeting system.  When I first heard this was going to be in the game I was immediately pissed (Or maybe there was a targeting system in the original games, I could be wrong.  /sarcasm).

I decided to give it a chance though, maybe I’d come to like it.


Not only is it completely abused and overused, it completely affects (and ruins) the way the game should be played.

Rant done

Alright I’m done.  I really just needed a place to rant about all of this nonsense.  I thought that I was going to be getting a decent Sonic game today, but apparently Sonic Team had other plans.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it, I’m just extremely disappointed.

What would I have wanted?

I wouldn’t have cared if Sonic 4 had the same art, sounds, music, gameplay, etc from the original Sega games.  Just give me some new levels with some new types of enemies/Boss’s and I’d be beyond happy.

PS – Oh yeah, that’s right…  This is by game-dev blog.  Um…  My Christmas-themed game is coming along nicely.  I’ve been making some real headway with it, I can’t wait to release it.

New Game Project Starting Today


So I have a new idea for a game.  It’s Christmas-based.  If all goes well, it will be released with sponsor branding by/on December 1st.  Hopefully the game itself will be done November 10th(ish).

That is all.


Holy Crap Has it Really Been a Month?


So…  Hi there.

You guy’s are looking good, how’s life been treating you?  Apparently, I still own this website – who would’ve figured?

I honestly cannot believe a month has passed since I last made a post here.  Time really has flew right by.

I don’t have to tell you that I never finished that Madness Animation for Madness Day, which was a few days ago.  I’m really bummed about it too, it definitely had potential.  Well, has, potential, I’m not deleting it or anything, I’d really like to finish it some day, preferably for next year’s Madness Day.

Anyway, college started up for me on August 30th, just a few days after my last post and ever since I’ve had little time to myself to work on personal projects.  Whenever I get free time I either (1) watch TV or (2) feel guilty for not working on something and thus procrastinate by watching TV.  Yeah… It’s an endless cycle.

I’m going to be working on changing that.  I’ve felt extremely shitty lately because of how unproductive I’ve been.  Time for a change.

Actually, for the past week I’ve actually been just playing around in Flash, working on getting certain algorithms to work so I can implement them in future games.

So that’s it for now.  It’s time to shift it into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!

Maximum Overdrive