• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Stick Nodes

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Weekly Game Update – “Don’t Panic” #1


“Weekly Game Update” – what’s that Ralph?

Well reader, it’s exactly what it sounds like – it’s a weekly update on my current game project that I’ll be doing every week from here on out.  This is part two of my plan to bring this site of mine some life with the first being that monthly revenue report thing.

The weekly game update posts will be made every weekend and will outline how much I’ve gotten done on any of my current projects as well as what lies ahead.  I’ll try to include screenshots, but I’m not saying I will every week – sometimes things just don’t change enough visually to warrant a screenshot.

Flash Game Development Update


The game is still untitled at this point.  (The title of this post may or may not contain the title of the game, as I will go back and edit it once I have decided on one.)  I don’t want to go with a typical “Something Defense” type of title, as it sounds terribly generic.  At this point I’m leaning towards something along the lines of “Attack of the ____’s” – with the blank being the name of the robot army attacking your base.

According to my header up there, the game was 20% complete as of this time last week and currently stands at 39%.  That is a 19% improvement in just 1 week.  Not bad at all…

Game Dev ScreenshotGame Dev Screenshot

Screenshots: Some enemies doing what they do best – blowing up and dropping money.


  • Completely scrapped and redrew the background (which was for some reason giving me tons of trouble – I never knew grass was so hard to draw >_>).
  • Finally got rid of some placeholder art and gave the enemy their skins.
  • After loads of thinking, I decided to scrap the idea of day and night levels – night would be too hard to accomplish.  Either I could have the effect I want with a 10% increase in CPU usage (unacceptable to my standards) or have a less “cool” effect with CPU usage not affected.  I decided to go with neither.
  • After going through at least 4 different attempts, I finally animated a very good looking explosion in Flash for the first time in my life!
  • The biggest problem I ran into this week was quite a nuisance.  After adding the enemy skins to the game, the CPU usage shot up to over 65%.  What does that mean?  Lag.  Lag everywhere.  After getting some help from the awesome folks at the FlashGameLicense.com forums – I found a way to fix this.  In a nutshell, I made it so the game takes any art/animation I want and translates it into a bitmap to use in the actual game.  I lose out on the crisp look of vector art but I’d trade that for performance any day.  I’ll be making a tutorial post on this in the coming week or 2 (once I feel I 100% understand the concept myself).


  • Animate more variations of explosions.  Some small explosions, some bigger ones, and some unique-looking ones.  Shouldn’t be too hard but it will be very tedious work.  I finally get to use my tablet, though.
  • Program and design flying enemies.  FLYING ENEMIES!
  • Give bullets some polish (trails, impact animations, etc).
  • Begin programming the player’s reinforcement AI to do their particular job.
  • Start designing the player, the player’s reinforcements, and the player’s weapons.
  • Small miscellaneous fixes and tweaks.
  • And above all – come up with a title!

Planning Ahead:

  • The opening and ending cutscenes have to be planned out.  This can’t be accomplished until I know what the player and his team will look like.  (How difficult or easy it will be to animate them.)
  • Design and program the opening and in-between menus including the “buy” menu, “upgrade” menu, etc.  Also implement robust saving and loading functionality.  This can’t be accomplished until the game is further along in development.
  • Begin adding new levels as well as program each level’s enemy-spawning algorithm.  This can’t be completed until all enemies have been created and bug tested.
  • A half-way boss battle and a final boss battle.  This can’t be completed because it’s going to be a pain in the ass to program since I want it done right.  Not a very good reason but too bad.

Alright that’s it.  I’m done.  Sorry about that wall of text up there, my bad 😉

Revenue Report – December 2010


Hey guys.  Firstly, happy new year.

Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on.  😀

One of my new year’s resolutions is to post on this site more.  Not only more interesting how-to post’s that I’ll make a few times a month, but also some reliable weekly game status posts as well as monthly revenue report posts.  This will be one of those monthly revenue reports, so let’s jump in.

Flash Game Revenue Report

Yeah.  How do you like that graphic, there?  Snazzy to the max, I know.

Alright, the point of these posts is to give a quick overview of just how much revenue I’m pulling in from this site as well as from all of my games.  Why am I doing this?  Well, I’ve seen similar things like this done across other blogs and they were always interesting to me.  They’re also inspiring, too (well, sometimes).  I’m also doing it for myself, that way I can track my progress over the months.

So let’s get started…

Total’s for the month of December 2010.

Website Revenue

Google Adsense: $46.00

Game Revenue

Exclusive/Primary Sponsorships and Sitelocks: $1,700.00

Mochi Ads (Total): $22.37

CPMStar Ads (Total): $272.23

Game Sessions

Gameplays (Total): 715,408

Monthly Total

Total: $2,040.60

And there you have it, not a bad month at all.  If I can get my current game done and sponsored some time in January, I expect the total’s to be higher, but it’ll be a close one, we’ll see.

Anyway, once again, happy new year.  Here’s to a prosperous and successful 2011!

Happy New Year Folks!


Hey everyone.  I just wanted to throw up a quick post wishing everyone a happy new year.  For some of you time travelers out there, it’s already 2011.  However I’m still back here in the US, and it’s only New Year’s Eve.  Anyway, I hope 2010 was a great year for you and that 2011 will only be better.  I know that’s true for me.

Quick Note

I just wanted to make a quick note about the site design.  I slightly changed some things around a little, nothing too drastic.  Just a new header and background along with Twitter and Flickr widgets on the top of the page and the sidebar.  Decided to freshen the site up a little for 2011 😀

Alright, that’s it.  Back to work for me…

Spiderman Desk

Me at work.

PS – I scheduled a new post for tomorrow.  Something actually worthwhile to read, so don’t forget to check back.

Merry Christmas Eve / Christmas!


Hey everyone.

Hope you’re all having a great Christmas Eve so far.  (Or Christmas if it’s the 25th for you.)  I’m sorry about the enormous lack of updates on this blog.  For whatever reason I keep putting it off and never get around to it.

Christmas Defense news…

Christmas Defense was a huge success.  I’m really glad everyone has enjoyed it.  If you haven’t played it, check it out (and don’t forget to 5 it).  What better days to be playing it than in the middle of the Christmas holiday?

New game updates…

Here are a few screenshots of my upcoming game – still untitled.  I’m trying to think of a catchy one-word name for it which apparently is a lot harder than it sounds.

(Click for non-scaled image)

Flash Game Screenshot

(Click for non-scaled image)

Flash Game Screenshot

(Click for non-scaled image)

Excuse all of the placeholder graphics, most of what you saw up there won’t actually be in the final product.  It’s also missing a lot of graphics that I didn’t make placeholders for.  What I’m saying is don’t judge it by it’s looks just yet 😉

All I can say right now is that the game is a shooter/defense game (somewhat like what Christmas Defense was).  There are definitely lot’s of differences however (the most notable being the top-down view instead of the side view).  Also I’m taking every piece of advice and criticism from Christmas Defense and I’m working it into this game.  Even with the game barely out of it’s prototyping stage it’s already fun to play.

Since I have no college to bog me down, I see this being completely done sometime in the middle of January.  I can’t predict a release date so far in advance however, the sponsorship process can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, so we’ll see as time moves on.

In other news…

I’m looking to maybe begin getting into Unity development after this game.  Unity3D is one of the most powerful yet easy-to-use 3D game development tools out there.  I’ve always wanted to get into Unity but I’ve never had the incentive.

Now that Kongregate is allowing Unity-developed games onto their website, I’m beginning to get a feeling that Unity games may start standing a chance in the Flash-dominated market.  I’m not necessarily interested in entering their contest however, and to  be honest I’m 99% sure I won’t be able to have a game ready by the deadline anyway.

Of course if this is to be I’m going to also start learning my way around 3D modeling in Blender.  (I’ve already begun, actually.  I’m creating some simple 3D models that I will be using in my upcoming defense game.  Simple things like 3D bullets, grenades, gems, etc – it adds some subtle eye-candy to the game.)

Anyway, I hope you all have a great Christmas holiday and I’ll see you in 2011!

Christmas Defense Released!


Hey guys.  I just wanted to make a quick update that  Christmas Defense was released today.

Play it on NewGrounds.com.

Play it on Kongregate.com.

Don’t forget to rate it!  I appreciate it.

I want to give a big thanks to the site Coolbuddy.com for sponsoring the game.  Without any sponsors, odds are I wouldn’t have the time to make games like this.

I’ll update this post when the game is released on Kongregate and ArmorGames as well.

Go play it and tell me what you think!