Wow, so that was a very fast month. I know that I’ve said many times before that I’d have Don’t Panic out in March, but I guess I just ran late on the deadlines. However, bidding is coming to an end soon, so I can 100% assure you that it will be released in April. […]

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Currently browsing Revenue Report.
Wow, February definitely flew by. I almost forgot I had to post this until I saw in my email that I received a payment from CPMStar. Let’s get into it. Similar to last month, I didn’t release any games or sell any sitelocks or anything like that. As a result, revenue is still going to […]
And just like that, month one of 2011 is done and over with. Let’s do a quick check in on how I’m doing before I pass out. (I’m writing this post the night before it goes live and boy am I tried… yes, tried, that’s how tried I am…) I didn’t release any new games […]
Hey guys. Firstly, happy new year. Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on. 😀 One of my new year’s resolutions is to post on this site more. Not only more interesting how-to post’s that I’ll make a few times a month, but also some reliable weekly game status posts as well […]