That’s right. I would have been dead. As in, not alive. Like, alive-alive. See, yesterday after fumbling around with something in Flash, it started to freeze up. I stupidly ctrl+s’d it by habit and closed out. I realized what I’d done when I tried to open the file and I got a “corrupted” message, “file […]
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Currently browsing Weapons on Wheels.
“Oh look at Ralph, he’s abandoned another blog after promising to update it.” Shut up Eternal. No I didn’t. I said I’m going to have a more relaxed update schedule on this blog compared to Anyway, I got lots of stuff to talk about today, so I guess the wait paid off (if you […]
Alright, I’m back. College is over and done with for over a month, so I have loads of free time to work on this game. As of yesterday, I have begun re-building the entire game from the bottom up. I’m basically using the code I already wrote but just reorganizing it/optimizing it in correct ActionScript […]
Alright, so I felt for my first real post here I should start off by giving some information on the game I’m working on. I’m not going to give much, but I will let you guys in on some things, including a screenshot: Click for larger version. Of course what I have pictured is the […]