• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Don't Panic
Stick Nodes

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Currently browsing Game Release.

“Stick Nodes” Released on iOS Devices!


So after a good amount of time, effort, and money, I’m proud to announce that Stick Nodes has finally made its way to iOS devices! You can keep up to date with updates and changes through the official website, Facebook page, or Google+ page. And for those of you interested, here are some updated stats! […]

“Stick Nodes” Released!


So guess what? Well, the title is a pretty dead giveaway, but yeah, Stick Nodes is finally released on Google Play (other Android stores coming very soon, and then maybe even iOS – we’ll see). There are two versions, a free one and a pro one.  They both contain the same features – the only […]

“Plunder Peril” Released on Google Play


So after a half-dozen Flash games, I’ve finally moved to a new platform and have released my first game for Android devices. Presenting Plunder Peril, a free casual/arcade game available now on Google Play or from SlideMe! The goal is simple – collect any and all coins you see – oh, and survive for as […]

“Weapons on Wheels 2” Released!


So I’m not dead, apparently – just really, really busy finishing college (which, by the way, I graduate from this upcoming weekend). But who cares, right?  My latest Flash game has finally been released after being sponsored by PlayBerry.com.  After a few good months of lots of on and off work, Weapons on Wheels 2 […]

“Trophiends” Released, Also Hello!


So it’s been a while.  Let me just get it out of the way that for the past month or so I haven’t been doing nothing, I’ve been doing a lot, actually.  However, everything I was doing ended up being for nothing.  I must’ve started and scrapped at least three separate projects.  It sucks, yes, […]