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Currently browsing Untitled Platformer.

Platformer Progress


This week I didn’t get too much done other than some relatively minor tweaks and optimizations to the collision detection.  On Saturday, I spent the majority of the day figuring out the best way to construct levels using a mix between the Flash IDE and Tiled Map Editor.  As a result, I began drawing some […]

ForTheLoss.org’s 100th Post Extravaganza!


Well, not so much of an extravaganza as it is just a regular post, but you get the idea. Before I get into some development news and updates, let’s go over some stats: This site is over 2 years old. Time really flies sometimes. I remember when I bought this domain off a whim after […]

Quick Update on Things


Hey there.  So I figured I’d make a post this weekend summing up what’s going on with what and what’s happened when. (What?) Defective It’ll be released eventually, I’ve started the process of getting it more attention and I’m thinking it will be sold sometime this month.  On Monday or Tuesday I’m going to be […]