• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Don't Panic
Stick Nodes

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Weekly Game Update – “Kill the Bad Things” (Week One)


Here’s the first weekly game update on my current game Kill the Bad Things, which will be my first ever mobile game. This week, things went very smoothly, though due to other things getting in the way (college), it seems that weekdays are incredibly unproductive for me.  The majority of the work that got done […]

Progress on My First Android App


So have I been working up a storm today.  Not only did I finally get my head wrapped around the whole process of downloading all of the SDK’s and installing / connecting my phone to my computer and generally setting up my Android development environment, I also made loads of progress laying the foundation for […]

Unveiling ForTheLoss.org, Version 3.0


Wow, man.  Just wow.  This time last week I wasn’t even thinking of designing a new theme for this site.  One crazy week later, I have a pretty sweet new home for all of my creations. Edit: For comparison, here’s a screenshot of the old version. What’s New? Nothing is terribly new, per say, I […]

Platformer Progress


This week I didn’t get too much done other than some relatively minor tweaks and optimizations to the collision detection.  On Saturday, I spent the majority of the day figuring out the best way to construct levels using a mix between the Flash IDE and Tiled Map Editor.  As a result, I began drawing some […]