• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Weapons on Wheels 2
Stick Nodes

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Quick-er Update


I have not abandoned all of you.  Still working on getting this game out the door every day.  It just seems like every day I run into a new issue that I never expected/makes no sense.  For example, did you know that putting a simple preloader on an AS3 game is an absolute dick-fucking hell? […]

Quick Update


So, for whatever reason, Flash is cooperating fully once again.  I just have a few loose ends to tie up, and the game should be ready.  Once I have a bug-tested SWF that is 100% working, I’ll start looking for a sponsor (Hopefully tonight the search will begin.) Also Splinter Cell Conviction rocks. PS- Credits […]

The Game is Completed! (No, not really.)


Every time I try to export a swf, Flash decides to pull a LOL and after compiling the SWF for the usual 20 or so seconds, I get this lovely message: I *think* the reason behind this is because the .FLA file is getting too big.  I’ve just finished importing all of the levels (PNG’s, […]

If All Goes Even Halfway Well, Weapons on Wheels Will Be Completed This Weekend


Completed, not necessarily released, though… But still, that’s a good thing, no? Once it’s done the next thing on my list is to get a sponsor, then the game will be released.  How long that will take I couldn’t tell you. Anyway, let’s get on to some news. Yep, that was a big milestone in […]