• Stick Nodes - 100% Complete Go animate some stickfigures. Google Play links: [free] or [pro]. App Store links: [free] or [pro].
Oil Spill Escape
Stick Nodes

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Currently browsing Stick Nodes.

“Stick Nodes” – Update #6


So things are coming down the home stretch, just wanted to give an update on where things stand as of today. What got done? Fixed up the text/graphics to look better at lower resolutions (the iPhone 4 resolution is the minimum resolution (960 x 640) I was looking to support).  While lower resolutions (800 x […]

“Stick Nodes” – Update #5


No video or anything big this week, just wanted to make a quick update post since it seems like nothing terribly “exciting” is on the horizon in terms of new features or anything. What’s been done? I’ve been busy since the last update posts, here’s some of the things that were accomplished. Successful saving and […]

“Stick Nodes” – Update #4


Things are starting to come together now. First off, the Stick Nodes website was launched.  It’s just a temporary page listing some information, screenshots, and videos.  Once the app is actually launched I plan on making it a bit more robust, maybe even allowing stickfigure / project file submissions to build a library of user-created […]

“Stick Nodes” – Update #3


More updates! Among other miscellaneous things, this past week or two I’ve been primarily focused on getting the “create new stickfigure” screen up and running.  Check out the video below for a quick peak at what it looks like right now. Keep in mind that I’m still smoothing out the rough edges.  For example, while […]

Animation App – Update #2


It’s been a while since my last update post.  That wasn’t intentional, there was a solid week or so where I wasn’t able to get much done due to some tedious room-painting / workspace rearranging. That’s all done now and I’ve been able to complete some things on my to-do list in the past few […]